Republicans and Democrats in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives have announced a new committee devoted to examining the rising crime rates in Philadelphia.

What Happened: The House Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order was formed this past week and will be led by three Republicans and two Democrats representing Philadelphia. This committee was developed based on House Resolution 216.

House Resolution 216 calls for an investigation into the rising crime rates of Philadelphia, using government funds to prosecute offenders, and deciding on District Attorney Larry Krasner.

District Attorney Larry Krasner: District Attorney Larry Krasner is currently under threat of impeachment, and many feel that he has failed the city of Philadelphia.

DA Krasner assumed his position in 2018 and prioritized progressive changes to the criminal justice system. Some of DA Krasner’s changes to the criminal justice system include; lax bail policies, reduced prosecutions, and the removal of hundreds of attorneys from his office.

In 2018, the city of Philadelphia experienced unprecedented levels of crime, and in 2021 the city experienced its highest recorded levels of homicides.

Progressive Figures on the Hook: Other progressive prosecutors have recently found themselves in troubled political waters. San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin, who pushed similar policies, was recalled by voters last month.

Los Angeles County DA George Gascón, another progressive prosecutor, is also facing a recall after 715,000 Los Angeles residents signed a petition to begin the recall process.

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