Virginia’s Republican Governor, Glenn Youngkin, is looking to take on former President Donald Trump without actually forcing a massive political battle. The newcomer is seemingly staying under the radar as he makes moves that some speculate may set up a presidential run in 2024.

What is Happening: Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin is traveling out of state and meeting with major GOP fund-raisers. Many have taken this as a sign that he is preparing for a Presidential run in 2024.

While in an interview with Fox News, Glenn Youngkin played coy with the hosts when asked about the prospects of a 2024 candidacy. Fox News host Brian Kilmeade asked Youngkin about the “buzz about you running” in 2024.

“I am always humbled by this request, but we have a lot of work today in Virginia,” Youngkin said. “We’ll see what comes next.”

The Virginia Win: Many believe that Glenn Youngkin is a viable candidate despite his short political resume because of his massive win in the state of Virginia in 2021.

Most experts had pegged Virginia as a reliably blue state. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden all one the state during their presidential races with favorable margins. The state offices have also been home to Democrats for years.

These experts had to rethink their analysis after Youngkin won the election in 2021.

Where Does Trump Fit Into All of This: During the 2021 Governors race in Virginia, Donald Trump threw his weight behind Glenn Youngkin. But Youngkin created distance between himself and that endorsement without burning any bridges.

Glenn Youngkin was able to win over blue-collar voters who liked Trump without upsetting white-collar voters who did not like Trump.

Politico points out that Youngkin “embraced Trump in ways that seemed perfunctory. He kept Trump out of state and, in relative terms, out of public consciousness, at least when voters were making a gubernatorial choice.”

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