The most vocal member for the progressive “Squad” is certainly making her voice heard. During an interview, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized everything from Congress, her own Democrat colleagues to President Biden’s lack of leadership.

After three years in Congress, the New York Rep. didn’t hold back when she labeled the House of Representatives a “shit show.”

According to The Hill:

“Honestly, it is a shit show. It’s scandalizing, every single day,” she told Remnick for the story, published on Monday.

“Some folks perhaps get used to it, or desensitized to the many different things that may be broken,” she added. “But there is so much reliance on this idea that there are adults in the room, and, in some respect, there are. But sometimes to be in a room with some of the most powerful people in the country and see the ways that they make decisions — sometimes they’re just susceptible to groupthink, susceptible to self-delusion.”

The New York Rep. then shifted her attention towards President Biden and his lack of leadership.

“The President has not been using his executive power to the extent that some would say is necessary,” she charged.

AOC noted that Democrat’s razor-thin majority makes passing the party’s radical agenda an uphill battle but asserted that the President should be doing more and hesitating less, especially in regard to canceling student loan debt.

“It’s entirely within his power,” she said. “And I can’t underscore how much the hesitancy of the Biden Administration to pursue student-loan cancellation has demoralized a very critical voting block that the President, the House, and the Senate need in order to have any chance at preserving any of our majority.”

The Democrat lawmaker has spurred speculation she’s mulling a future run for Senate as her following continues to grow.

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