In yet another public gaffe, 80-year-old President Joe Biden found himself fumbling through a joint appearance with Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The two leaders, standing together on a United Nations stage, intended to discuss a collaborative vision for improving labor conditions in their respective nations. As the event concluded, Biden walked off the stage without shaking Silva’s hand who was noticeably upset by the lack of etiquette. Watch the clip:

The encounter began on a shaky note as Biden knocked into a towering Brazilian flag, nearly toppling it as he made his way to the podium. While he spoke passionately about an ‘economy built from the middle out,’ Lula observed stoically from stage-right.

Meanwhile, during Lula’s address, Biden appeared distracted, wrestling with his translation headset rather than fully engaging in the moment.

The conclusion of the event saw yet another misstep. Biden exchanged pleasantries with Gilbert Huongbo, Director-General of the International Labor Organization, but seemed to overlook Lula’s extended hand. Opting for a wave and an uncomfortable salute to the audience, the U.S. president then exited, stage left.

As he did, an exasperated Lula flicked his arm in a dismissive gesture.

This incident adds to a growing list of public missteps for Biden, stoking further debate about his fitness for office as he aims for reelection in 2024.

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