New reports from CNN and Pew Research Center suggest that Asian Americans may no longer be a decisive voting bloc for the Democrat party.

It has become apparent for Democrats that President Joe Biden is struggling with core party constituencies, two of the most prominent groups being youth and Hispanic voters. Recently, Republican Mayra Flores’ special election victory in Texas has given some hope that Hispanic voters are converting to the Republican party.

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Executive Director John Billings said in a memo, “Flores’ victory in the TX-34 Special Election is proof that Republicans have a winning message with Hispanic voters and that no Democrat is safe in the current political environment.”

This special election was previously thought of as a long shot for Republicans. In 2016 the district was won by Hillary Clinton by 21.5% points. The district is 84% Hispanic, so a Republican victory here signifies changes in American voting habits.

The changes in voting habits for the Hispanic American voting bloc have drawn most of the media attention. However, this is not the only voting bloc experiencing a shift in American politics.

One significant sign of the ongoing changes was the June 7th Recall in San Fransico. Progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin was officially recalled in a June 7th vote, and one of the groups instrumental in his recall was Asian Americans.

Joe Biden averaged an approval rating of 52% and a disapproval rating of 47% in 2022. While this is still a positive approval rating, his net approval rating with Asian Americans is now 37 points lower than his margin over his Republican counterpart Donald Trump with Asian Americans in 2020.

These changes in the American voting blocs are not specific to a local race and the presidency; these changes are also being reflected in other national polls.

A Pew Research Center poll from March 2022 gave Democrats a 28-point advantage with Asian Americans on the ballot test. This poll asks voters to select which political party they would support for Congress in their districts. This is a 16-point drop from the margin Biden won Asian Americans in 2020.

The Cooperative Election Study showed something not too far off from this. President Biden’s net approval rating was 15-points among Asians who said they had voted in the 2020 election; that same group said they had voted for Biden by 38-points. This is an astonishing 10-point drop for the Democrat President.

Asian Americans are one of the fastest-growing populations in the United States; this is why many are looking at these metrics as a potential doomsday situation for Democrats in the future. For example, it is projected that there will be 46 million Asian Americans by 2060, while Asian Americans today only make up 7% of the population.

The most significant issues currently leading Asian voters away from the Democrat party are crime, racism, and the economy. In addition, Pew Research Center found that about one-third of the Asian Americans have changed their daily routine over concerns they will be attacked or threatened.

This same poll also found that approximately 6 in 10 Asian Americans believe violence against Asian Americans is rising. Additionally, 43% of Asian Americans polled said their local officials were not doing enough to address violence against Asian Americans. Areas of the country with more Asian Americans tend to be run by members of the Democrat party.

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