The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has now found him ‘not guilty’ on all counts.
The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has now found him ‘not guilty’ on all counts.
The verdict was announced early Friday afternoon.
Why it Matters: The Rittenhouse trial has transfixed the nation for the past three weeks with many observers being split down partisan lines between conservatives who tend to believe Rittenhouse acted in self-defense and liberals who believe he is guilty of murder.
What people are Saying:
The Rittenhouse jury just gave Biden his second colonoscopy of the day.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 19, 2021
I knew it. Kyle Rittenhouse is proof that white people can still break the law, carry illegal weapons, shoot and kill people, and get away with it in America by shedding tears and claiming self-defense.
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) November 19, 2021
Today is a great day for the Second Amendment and the right to self-defense.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) November 19, 2021
Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty on all counts!
Glory to God!
This trial lays bare everything we've been talking about for years. Rittenhouse embodies the very danger posed by a toxic mix of a white supremacist culture that values property over human life, and wide proliferation of high-powered guns with fewer limits than a drivers license.
— March For Our Lives(@AMarch4OurLives) November 19, 2021