The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has now issued a new travel warning for Americans who intend on travel to two European Countries.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has now issued a new travel warning for Americans who intend on travel to two European Countries.
The countries in question, Denmark and Germany, have seen a major uptick in coronavirus infection in recent weeks.
Why it Matters: The move underscores the potential danger posed by a new wave of coronavirus infections this winter, a ‘4th wave’ of the pandemic which seems to already be taking hold in much of continental Europe.
In addition, a fourth wave of coronavirus may spell more economic troubles for economies around the world already struggling with unusually high inflation and supply chain issues.
What People are Saying:
The situation in Western Europe is worsening.
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) November 17, 2021
New pandemic records for cases in Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway 1/2@OurWorldInData
We need to monitor arrivals from Europe and perhaps issue travel ban vs Germany and Denmark in case of massive surge.
— Tony Leachon MD (@DrTonyLeachon) November 23, 2021
— Michael Knigge (@kniggem) November 22, 2021
The CDC is now advising Americans to “avoid travel to Germany” and has raised its travel Covid risk assessment for the country to the highest level “Level 4: Very High Level of Covid-19”.
Denmark’s coronavirus risk level was also raised to “very high” and “avoid travel”.
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