Joe Biden’s Secret Service vehicles burst into flames on Monday, shortly after he left his Nantucket vacation. Biden and his family had spent Thanksgiving in the region and all 5 of the Secret Service cars which had been rented from Hertz caught fire after he left. Exclusive footage shows firefighters spraying down the smoldering remains of one vehicle’s engine block. It is currently unknown how the fire started and the the White House has not put out any further information.

“At approximately 5:22 am Airport shift staff observed an active fire in the rental car overflow area through the Airport’s Closed Circuit Television System,” the airport said in a statement to the Current.

“Combined fire resources responded and contained the fire. Several vehicles were damaged. The Airport is currently coordinating with rental car agencies and agency partners to ensure scene safety, There is no longer an active fire at this time: the Airport is open, and aeronautical operations are not affected,” the statement continued.

Watch video from the incident:


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