Former President Donald Trump and Gov. Kristi Noem will make a joint appearance at a fundraising event on Friday in South Dakota. Many believe the rally has implications that go much further than financial support though. It has been reported that Trump is strongly considering Noem as his potential VP pick. Noem is also expected to officially endorse Trump on Friday.

Last month Noem appeared on Fox News and was not shy when asked if she would team up with Trump as his running mate. She told Fox:

“Yeah. I’d have to consider it,”

“I think everybody would have to consider it if they were asked that question. It’s such an important time in our history where we see constitutional freedoms being undermined by leaders across this country almost every day.”

“We all should step up to make sure we’re doing all that we can to keeping our freedoms, our values, America the way that it’s always been in place,”

Recently, the Governor has also heaped praise on Trump and predicted that he will be the Republican nominee, saying:

“I do feel pretty confident that President Trump will be the Republican nominee for president. He obviously has a record that he’s running on and people know with him what they’re getting. I think these other candidates that are in may be good people, but their record isn’t just as impressive.”

Noem has launched a $5 million advertising campaign, funded by taxpayer money allocated for Covid aid, to attract more workers to South Dakota. This campaign also has the side effect of raising her public profile. She frequently appears on Fox News. Notably, she hasn’t faced the challenges associated with a presidential campaign, such as difficult questions about Jan. 6 or Trump’s legal issues, nor the need to participate in debates.

The event in Rapid City is completely sold out and with Trump leading the race for the Republican presidential nomination, all eyes were on this political rendezvous.

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