The former president released the ad on his social media platform, Truth Social, as Republican politicians express outrage at how the scheme against Trump was allowed to play out.

The ad highlights former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook’s recent testimony that Hillary Clinton personally approved spreading information about Trump’s alleged connection to Alfa Bank despite being told that the information was likely untrue.

A piece from the Wall Street Journal editorial board emphasized the negative impact of Hillary’s decision.

In short, the Clinton campaign created the Trump-Alfa allegation, fed it to a credulous press that failed to confirm the allegations but ran with them anyway, then promoted the story as if it was legitimate news. The campaign also delivered the claims to the FBI, giving journalists another excuse to portray the accusations as serious and perhaps true.

Most of the press will ignore this news, but the Russia-Trump narrative that Mrs. Clinton sanctioned did enormous harm to the country. It disgraced the FBI, humiliated the press, and sent the country on a three-year investigation to nowhere. Vladimir Putin never came close to doing as much disinformation damage.

Hillary has not made any comments about the testimony that this time, but Republican lawmakers have not held back.

“Hillary Clinton and Jake Sullivan knew the Trump-Russia collusion dossier was false but pretended to play dumb with the American people,” Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said.

“Everyone involved in cooking up the false Trump-Russian collusion narrative should be held fully accountable – including Hillary Clinton.”

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said the testimony is a “major scandal”.

“The fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign manufactured this entire Russian collusion hoax and the FBI … concluded that this is preposterous — it’s BS … And yet they set up the Mueller probe​,” the Wisconsin senator said according to the New York Post.

“What is being revealed to the American public is the corruption at the highest levels of, A​:​ the Hillary Clinton campaign, and B​: the FBI and the Department of Justice​,” he said.

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