Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is proposing reinstating the Florida State military force.

Background: In 1941, the Florida State Guard was created to fill in for National Guard members deployed during World War II. The guard was disbanded in 1947.

Details: The Florida State Guard would be comprised of 200 volunteer civilians controlled by Gov. DeSantis. The force would assist with natural disasters and other state emergencies.

Gov. DeSantis is asking the state legislature for $3.5 million to fund the force.

DeSantis said the proposed unit would “not be encumbered by the federal government,” adding that this force would give him “the flexibility and the ability needed to respond to events in our state in the most effective way possible.” (per The Hill)

The idea was part of DeSantis’s larger military budget proposal, which included establishing three new armories, a new National Guard Headquarters and supporting service members getting degrees. (per The Hill)

What Democrats Say: Democrat gubernatorial challenger Charlie Crist attacked DeSantis’s proposal online calling it a “handpicked secret police.”

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