New Jersey’s Democrat Governor Phil Murphy is scheduled to announce an end to school mask mandates for children and staff.

Background: Last year, Gov. Murphy faced a lawsuit over his executive orders requiring masks in schools.

 A U.S. district judge denied a request for a preliminary injunction to block the New Jersey’s mask mandate in December, calling the in-school mask mandate “rational.” 

In January, Gov. Murphy renewed school mask mandates by announcing a public health emergency due to recent spikes from the Omicron variant.

“These requirements again give us no joy, but they’re the only responsible course of action at this time,” Gov. Murphy said.

What Happened: On Monday, Gov. Murphy is scheduled to announce the end to the mask mandate while delivering a pandemic briefing in Trenton, NJ.

What Comes Next: According to reports, the state’s school mask mandate is set to expire on March 7th.

What It Matters: New Jersey is the latest Democrat-led state to end school mask mandates.

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