Both Democrats and Republicans have fully shifted from the midterms to the runoffs in regard to the Georgia Runoff Election that is scheduled for December 6, 2022. While both sides will pour money into the election we are now starting to get the first hints of what those figures might be. While this runoff will not determine control of the Senate, as this has already been determined, this election will still be an important one for both parties. A race in which either party will spare no expense to win.

According to CNN, between Labor Day and Election Day, Democrats and Republicans together “spent over $30 million on ads.

Republicans are currently set to invest millions in dollars towards turn out for Walker. This will come with a plan between Walker and Georgia Governor Brain Kemp to get a get-out-the-vote operation in place to boost Walker.

While Democrats are expected to spend $7 million on field organizing and many more million on ads against Walker. During the midterm election cycle, it was reported that Georgia Honor spent over $30 million on ads against Hershel Walker and now are set to launch a new ad this Saturday. It is estimated that the coming ad will cost $4 million for a week of airtime though many are already stating this ad will not be anything new for Warnock’s campaign as it is the same old material they have been using.

This race was the top spender in the general 2022 midterm season only followed by Pennsylvania’s Senate race. So moving into the runoff cycle it will be no surprise to see the money being spent here.

Read more at Reuters and CNN.

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