Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine will likely cause the heightened NATO presence he sought to prevent.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made comments Sunday morning explaining what he calls a “reset” of NATO’s military policy.

“What we see now is a new reality, a new normal for European security. Therefore, we have now asked our military commanders to provide options for what we call a reset, a more longer-term adaptation of NATO,” Stoltenberg said to The Telegraph.

He said this differed from the “wake-up call” the organization received almost a decade ago when Russia annexed Crimea. At that time, NATO implemented the largest reinforcement of troops since the end of the Cold War.

In its new response to both Russia and China, which is working closely with Moscow, Stoltenberg emphasized that this would be a “very fundamental transformation”.

He said more details would be announced when world leaders meet in Madrid for the NATO summit this summer.

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