In an exciting turn of events, Steve Garvey, the esteemed former National League MVP, has recently made waves with the revelation that he is contemplating a remarkable leap into the political arena. The intriguing possibility has emerged as California Democrat Dianne Feinstein approaches the end of her tenure in the Senate, opening up a coveted seat that has piqued the interest of this baseball legend. With confirmation of his aspirations emerging just yesterday, the stage is set for a potentially fascinating chapter in Garvey’s extraordinary journey.

According to the Daily Caller:

“Over the last couple of months, prominent Republicans and Democrats, which is interesting, have contacted me concerning an interest in running for a position, and obviously it would be the Senate,” Garvey told his hometown Palm Springs Desert Sun. “I had contemplated when I retired from baseball, but things always got in the way.”

Garvey, who played first base for the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres from 1969-87, has never before sought elected office. He raised money for George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign, according to the Desert Sun, but also donated to Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley’s presidential run.

“So I said I will explore (running),” Garvey added. “And I spent probably six weeks at least exploring. We haven’t got to the decision-making part of it yet. But I will say that probably in the next couple of weeks we will have an answer.”

Garvey would likely enter the race with the highest name identification of any candidate. He finished his 19-year Major League Baseball career with 2,599 hits, 272 home runs, and the 1974 National League MVP award. Garvey was the starting first baseman for the 1981 Dodgers team that won the World Series.

In the thrilling political landscape of California’s jungle primary, the rules defy convention as the top two contenders, irrespective of party affiliation, forge ahead to the grand stage of the general election. Amidst this intense battle for supremacy, a recent poll has unveiled Republican attorney Eric Early as the front-runner, commanding a formidable 18% support from a crowded field of competitors.

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