House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy pledged to launch multiple investigations into the Biden administration if the Republican Party wins back a majority in the House of Representatives.

Background: President Biden has been harshly criticized for this management of multiple disasters since taking office.

Republican lawmakers have repeatedly called for accountability for the Biden administration’s chaotic handling of domestic and foreign crises.

Investigations: House GOP leader McCarthy vowed to launch seven investigations into the Biden administration if Republicans win back the House which they are currently poised to do in next year’s midterms.

According to a report by Axios, Rep. Mcarthy plans to investigate the following:

-IRS: Leak of a “vast cache of IRS information” about billionaires to ProPublica. (per The Daily Wire)

-National Security Agency: This investigation relates back to claims from Fox News host Tucker Carlson which alleged the agency targeted his program’s communications. The NSA has denied Carlson’s claims.

-Parents: The National School Boards Association issued a memo accusing parents of making violent threats against school board employees over the subject of Critical Race Theory. In the memo, the NSBA characterized parents as “domestic terrorists” and asked the Justice Department to intervene. Rep. McCarthy plans to investigate Attorney General Merrick Garland’s cooperation with the memo and if any parents were targeted.

-Border Crisis: Since President Biden entered the White House, the country has seen record illegal immigration flood across the U.S.-Mexico border. The administration has done little to hinder the massive influx of illegal migrants.

-Covid-19: Rep. McCarthy plans to investigate the origins of the Coronavirus as well as the Center for Disease Control’s mandates and school closures.

-Afghanistan: In late August, the Biden administration withdrew all remaining U.S. military from Afghanistan, which resulted in the Taliban quickly taking over the region. The chaotic withdrawal saw some Americans left behind and a definite number was never released.

-JEDI: A disputed cloud-computing contract. (per The Daily Wire)

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