Rep. Matt Gaetz is facing opposition from his own GOP colleagues as he spearheads an effort to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz has a history of challenging the GOP leadership and has frequently been at odds with his party, causing frustration among some Republicans. There’s a growing sentiment among these members to expel Gaetz if the ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation uncovers any misconduct on his part. This investigation centers on allegations involving sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, and potential public corruption.

A comment from an unidentified lawmaker encapsulated the sentiments of some: “No one can stand him at this point. A smart guy without morals.” Meanwhile, rumors have been circulating that Gaetz might be considering running for governor in Florida.

For Gaetz to be expelled, a two-thirds majority vote is required. Given the House’s current composition of 221 Republicans to 212 Democrats, support from some Democrats would be essential for the motion to pass. Gaetz continues to assert his innocence as the ethics investigation nears a conclusion.

With a majority of just four seats in the House, the GOP is vulnerable. Gaetz’s endeavors to oust McCarthy could significantly disrupt the party’s leadership. Gaetz’s proposed motion to vacate McCarthy from his position will need only a simple majority to be approved. He told CNN last week, “I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. Look, the one thing everybody has in common is that nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy. He lied to Biden. He lied to House conservatives.”

In response to Gaetz’s aggressive stance, McCarthy seems undeterred. He expressed his determination to remain in his position, remarking, “So be it. Bring it on. Let’s get it over with and let’s start governing.” “You know this is personal with Matt. Matt voted against the most conservative ability to protect our border. He’s more interested in securing TV interviews than doing something,” he added.

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