Former Trump Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark’s home was searched in the early hours of Wednesday morning, a move he decried as “highly politicized” during an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

Clark was previously subpoenaed by the House committee investigating January 6th due to his efforts to support former President Trump’s 2020 election claims as acting attorney general.

Russ Vought, an associate of Clark’s at the Center for Renewing America, decried the early morning raid in comments to the New York Times, saying, “Yesterday more than a dozen DoJ law enforcement officials searched Jeff Clark’s house in a pre-dawn raid, put him in the streets in his pajamas, and took his electronic devices…All because Jeff saw fit to investigate voter fraud. This is not America, folks. The weaponization of government must end.”

It is not immediately clear what agents were looking for or even which agencies were involved, but Clark said, “12 agents and two Fairfax County police officers went into my house, searched it for three and a half hours.”

He said the federal agents confiscated all of his electronics.

“I just think we’re living in an era that I don’t recognize and increasingly, Tucker, I don’t recognize the country anymore with these Stasi-like things happening,” Clark said, referring to East Germany’s secret police during the Cold War.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has not made any specific statements or remarks about the apparent investigation into Clark, who was not arrested as a result of the raid.

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