Doctor Fauci is telling Americans they should enforce vaccine mandates in their own homes this holiday season.
Doctor Fauci is telling Americans they should enforce vaccine mandates in their own homes this holiday season.
Background: Dr. Fauci is well known for moving the goal post for when Americans should expect to return to normal in post-Covid America. The health expert has encouraged Americans to wear masks and implement restrictive mandates in an effort to combat the virus.
Fauci’s advice has sparked harsh criticism across the country for months with especially with Republican lawmakers. The health expert has advised Americans to wear masks indoors despite being vaccinated and advises
Context: During an interview with The Washington Post, Dr. Fauci said families hosting guests for holiday get togthers should “require” some proof of being vaccinated.
“When you get vaccinated, and you have a vaccinated group, and you are in an indoor setting, you can enjoy, as we have traditionally over the years, dinners and gatherings within the home with people who are vaccinated,” Fauci explained.
“And that’s the reason why people should, if they invite people over their home, essentially ask and maybe require that people show evidence that they are vaccinated, or give their honest and good faith word that they have been vaccinated,” he continued. (per Fox News)
What People Are Saying: Fauci’s latest advice was widely panned on Twitter with many users saying they will not be asking loved ones to wear masks or provide proof of vaccination.
This is what Fauci wants for your Christmas family dinner gathering.
— John Gage⚔️ (@RamboGage) December 6, 2021
Fauci is now telling families at Christmas to demand other family members vaccination papers to sit down to dinner.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 9, 2021