One of America’s most popular governors and the owner of the historical Greenbrier Resort has announced his candidacy.

Coal boss and Trump ally, Governor Jim Justice announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate on Thursday evening. Joining the announcement were Senators Lindsey Graham and Shelley Moore Capito. During his announcement speech, Justice double downed on his support for President Trump, restated his commitment to the pro-life movement and promised to keep policies out of schools.

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has entered a Senate race which sets up a blockbuster matchup against Democrat Joe Manchin. The announcement came during a special event at the governor’s Greenbrier resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia where his supporters gathered for the exciting news. Justice and Manchin are the state’s most prominent political figures, and the race will garner national attention as Republicans will look to flip the seat.

The NRSC has heavily recruited Justice, a coal magnate, to run but he could face competition in the primary from GOP Rep. Alex Mooney. Mooney is backed by the anti-Trump Club for Growth.

Current West Virginia senator, Shelley Capito, voiced her support for justice on Thursday, detailing how they have worked together in the past to help the people of West Virginia. She also stressed the importance of flipping the West Virginia seat in order to take back control of the chamber from Democrats.

See photos from Governor Justice’s campaign kick-off below:

Sen. Joe Manchin in the HOT SEAT: Gov. Jim Justice RISING in the Polls

About Governor Jim Justice:
“Justice, who was included on Forbes‘ billionaires list as recently as 2020, has profited from family businesses in the fossil fuel industry across Appalachia. He would immediately become the front-runner in the Republican primary and potentially in the general election, polls show. His entrance would catapult the race into one of the highest-profile political battles of 2024.” (Climate Wire)

Highlights of Mr. Justice’s Governorship:*

  • Eliminated Vets Retirement State Income Tax
  • Second Amendment Supporter
  • Energy Tax Cuts for West Virginia
  • Expanded Telehealth
  • Largest Tax Cut in State History ($750 Million to Hardworking West Virginians)
  • Pay Raises for Law Enforcement to Stop Drug Flow
  • Highest NRA Rating
  • Car Tax 100% Refunded
  • Disabled Veterans 100% Owner Rebate
  • Eliminated Seniors Social Security Tax
  • Most Pro-Life Governor Ever
  • Building and Infrastructure – $1 Billion to Broadband
  • Conservative Judge Appointments
Jim Justice for Senate Campaign sign.


Governor Jim Justice campaign sign featuring his prized family member, Baby Dog.

* Highlights provided from Governor Jim Justice’s Senate Announcement

Senate Watch: WV Could Swap Coal Boss Manchin for An Even Bigger Coal Boss

About Senator Joe Manchin:
Joe Manchin has been a heavy-weight democrat in the U.S. Senate since 2015. He is a moderate democrat who has been critical of the Biden administration. Manchin made his fortune with the only facility in West Virginia that still uses waste coal to generate electricity. Being dubbed as the only West Virginian to own a Maserati, “Maserati Manchin” has a target on his back from the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).

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