Recent polls asking voters about their priorities have steadfastly avoided directly asking about, or even mentioning, the January 6th hearings. Instead, some pollsters use terms similar to the left’s rhetoric surrounding the events at the Capitol in order to avoid embarrassing headlines about the apparent lack of interest.

As David Freddoso of the Washington Examiner notes, there has been an astonishing effort to avoid asking the question straight up.

The latest poll to ask voters about their priorities, a New York Times/Siena College poll, asked what the “most important problem facing the country today” is. The closest option given that could be linked to January 6th was “the state of democracy/political division”.

It could mean a variety of things, yet still only 11% of respondents chose it as the most important issue.

“Trump/Republicans” was another possible option, it could be argued somewhat more directly linked to the events on January 6th if not the hearings themselves. Yet only 2% of voters chose that option, within the margin of error for the survey.

Not even a full percent chose “domestic terrorism” as the main problem.

Why do pollsters refuse to ask about something that half of the politicians in our country have delated the most urgent threat to democracy in decades?

Freddoso has a guess, concluding his piece:

“I think the answer, if we ever get it, will embarrass a lot of self-important Beltway journalists who have spent the last few weeks covering nothing else.”

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