The Democratic National Committee is establishing a new primary order for the 2024 presidential election after expressing years of frustration with Iowa and New Hampshire’s overwhelmingly white and rural demographics.

The DNC has removed New York and Nebraska from consideration, according to The Hill.

A letter from its Rules and Bylaws Committee said New York was cut due to concerns over its “size, the cost of campaigning there, its profile as a ‘solid blue state,’ and concerns that it would be impossible to counterbalance the disproportionate number of urban voters it would introduce into the pre-window period.”

It said Nebraska’s proposal to circumvent the state’s GOP-led legislature would “create confusion by rendering the state-run process meaningless despite Democrats being on the ballot.”

The 17 remaining state applicants will pitch themselves to the Rules and Bylaws Committee, which will eventually recommend states for a full vote.

According to The Hill, states are being judged on “diversity, competitiveness and feasibility.” It’s looking for states that can boost the party in the general election and deal with the logistical requirements of hosting a primary early in the order.

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