Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is tightening the polling gap with Donald Trump as calls for him to run for president in 2024 increase. DeSantis’ standing for 2024 has improved 11 point since last month and is now up to 28 percent according to new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. Support for Trump on the other hand, has fell 9 points to 46 percent. Trump still holds a significant lead but the drastic change in polling shows a shift in support among Republicans.

Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, remarked:

“Month after month DeSantis has been rising and now he is cutting significantly into Trump,”

“If they both run, this will be quite a race and Trump could well lose.”

DeSantis is riding high after a landslide win in his re-election while Trump is losing steam after being blamed for the poor Republican midterm showing. Will DeSantis eventually overtake Trump in polls? Regardless, if DeSantis is anywhere close to Trump in the polls as 2024 draws close, he will be implored to enter the race.

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