As Republican-led states passed voting laws meant to reduce fraud, the Democrat response was to accuse those states and their leaders of engaging in voter suppression. Data from primaries shows that couldn’t be further from the truth.

According to The Hill:

Now that several state midterm-election primaries are over, it’s a good time to see if Biden’s Jim Crow 2.0 warnings have panned out.

The Brennan Center for Justice, a progressive organization that echoes the left’s voter suppression accusations, tracked state election-integrity and other voting bills, including in the 19 states Biden mentions. The Center concludes, “Between Janu­ary 1 and Septem­ber 27 [2021], at least 19 states enacted 33 laws that make it harder for Amer­ic­ans to vote.”

Of those states, the Brennan Center seems to imply that Georgia, Texas, Iowa and Florida (whose primary isn’t until August) are among the most restrictive. Is that what actually happened?

Georgia’s midterm primary was May 24. Here’s the Washington Post’s coverage of the Peach State’s primary, “Turnout set modern records for a midterm primary. Ballot rejections plummeted.” Hmmm. To paraphrase Shakespeare’s Mark Antony, voter suppression “should be made of sterner stuff.”

The high turnout left the critics claiming it “was an outgrowth of years of painstaking efforts to register and mobilize voters — not a reflection of the Election Integrity Act.” So, if turnout is low, it’s voter suppression; if turnout is high, it’s a result of heroic Democratic efforts.” Got it.

But if the states where voting laws allegedly suppressed voters are seeing large turnouts, those deep blue states that claim to be doing everything possible to make voting easier should be seeing voter explosions, right?

According to the Gotham Gazette, “Voter turnout in New York City and State declined dramatically — by nearly half — from the 2018 Democratic primary for governor to the one that closed on Tuesday.”

It turns out deep blue Illinois also saw low voter turnout on its June 28 primary. As WTTW, Chicago’s PBS affiliate, explains it: “Depending on who you ask, the unusual timing of the elections, issues with voters’ access to the polls, and election judges resigning right before polls opened all contributed to the low turnout among Chicago and suburban Cook County’s registered voters on June 28.”

And for a bonus, here’s Washington, D.C.,-based WTOP’s story on voter turnout in Virginia and Washington, D.C., “Though D.C. did have substantially more in-person voting than expected, turnout for these [primary] races was low to lackluster throughout the region.”

Democrats and much of the media attacked states that passed election-integrity laws, making outrageous accusations. And yet it looks like voter turnout underperformed in the blue states making the accusations.

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