Zeldin, the Republican candidate for governor in New York state, was giving a speech about bail reform when he was rushed by an armed man who jumped on stage.

According to Rochester First:

Witnesses say Zeldin was giving a speech about bail reform at the VFW on Macedon Center Road when a man got on stage, started yelling, “wrestled with him a bit, and pulled a blade out.”

The alleged attacker was suppressed by AMVETS national Director Joe Chenelly. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said he was taken into custody.

A witness who was with Zeldin after the attack said Zeldin was not hurt, and took the stage again when it was over.

Members of the audience jumped to action, disarming the man and subduing him with zip-ties they pulled off nearby campaign posters, according to CNBC.

Zeldin tweeted about the attack after finishing his event.

This is a developing story, check back for updates.

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