As critical race theory comes under intense scrutiny across the country, four white children were attacked in Florida based on their race.

Coconut Creek police said the four white children, between ages 11 and 12 years old, were assaulted Wednesday by another group of middle school children using racial taunts and slurs. The victims were reportedly punched, kicked, and whipped with phone chargers.

The attack took place at a community center where school children gather before the first bell. Arrest reports stated the victims were “racially profiled”. According to the reports, the students told police that the other group approached them yelling, “It’s opposite day!” and “brown power”!

“I put my hands up so they don’t whack my face,” one of the victims said. “After they jumped me, they said, this is, like, revenge for what they did in the 1700s for slavery.”

The five children arrested are between 11 and 15 years old. Police reports list them as both black and white with Hispanic surnames. The charges are currently misdemeanors, but the hate crime allegation could trigger felonies at the prosecutor’s discretion.

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