The court split 4-3 in a ruling that has implications for upcoming midterm elections as well as the 2024 presidential election. Wisconsin is a battleground state with typically narrow margins of victory and defeat.

During the pandemic, ballot drop boxes became a popular alternative to voting in person, with over 40% of all voters casting ballots through mail.

In Wisconsin alone, over 500 drop boxes were deployed to over 430 communities for the 2020 election, including dozens in Democrat strongholds of Madison and Milwaukee, according to The Hill.

Following a legal challenge to their use by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, the court ruled that ballot drop boxes can only be placed in election offices going forward.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission had told local officials that boxes could be placed at multiple locations and ballots could be dropped off by people other than the voter, but those directions were suspended in light of the Supreme Court ruling.

The decision will be used to set rules for the state’s August 9th primary and midterm elections, where Republican Senator Ron Johnson and Democrat Governor Tony Evers are seeking reelection.

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