Tom Sizemore, the actor known for portraying Mike Horvath in “Saving Private Ryan,” has suffered a brain aneurysm and is currently in critical condition. A representative for the actor confirmed Sizemore is now in the intensive care unit.

“He is in the hospital,” Charles Lago told Fox News Digital. “His family is aware of the situation and are hoping for the best. It is too early to know about [a] recovery situation as he is in critical condition and under observation.”

According to Fox:

Born in Detroit, Sizemore, 61, has starred in films including “Born on the Fourth of July” with Tom Cruise, “Pearl Harbor” with Ben Affleck, and in the television show “Twin Peaks.”

According to IMDb, the actor currently has 33 upcoming credits for various productions.

He has also produced and written a variety of projects.

Previously married to actress Maeve Quinlan from 1996 through 1999, Sizemore has had several run-ins with the law and has openly discussed his journey to sobriety.

In an interview in 2021, Sizemore shared his continued fight for sobriety, saying “I’ve been trying to get sober since 1991 … It became really big news much later than that, but I was trying to stop. I’ve had a problem for a long time. I had periods, long periods, of sobriety and I would end up relapsing.”

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