The most recent Trafalgar Group/DW poll showed Walker leads Warnock 48.9 percent to 46.5 percent, which has made the political shock jock radio host Howard Stern become worried about a potential civil war. Currently, many polls are showing that a “red wave” is likely to occur today throughout the Midterm elections. Republicans will likely take the Congress, and have a strong chance to take the Senate as well with candidates like Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker, both of which are Trump-endorsed, and are polling well in their close Senate races.

Breitbart reports:

Leading into Tuesday, most polls and predictions have pegged Walker as the winner against Democrat Raphael Warnock, news that did not sit well with notorious conservative hater Howard Stern.

“Are you fucking kidding me? I don’t care what party, what you believe, what you think would be good for America, would you vote for this f*****… I don’t know what the f*** he is. I was going to say like mental case, but I don’t even know if that’s fair to mental cases. I just don’t know,” he said.

In the same episode, Stern also wondered if people have taken the concept of free speech too far to mean saying the most extreme of ideas without consequence.

Leading up to Tuesday, Walker’s closing message has been attacking Raphael Warnock for his extremist stance on energy.

“When you have a president talking about the biggest threat to democracy, it seems to be to electing a Republican,” Walker told Fox News on Sunday.

“But I want everyone that is listening to me – the biggest threat to democracy is to have him at the White House. And the biggest threat to democracy is to have someone like Senator Warnock, that voted against our Keystone pipeline, which put us in an international threat.”

The former college and NFL star runningback, Herschel Walker has overcome a double-digit deficit from a few months ago to now holding onto a slight lead against his opponent Raphael Warnock. Now, on election day, Herschel Walker maintains his slight lead against Raphael Warnock, and has held on throughout the past few weeks.

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