Liberals are burning with rage over new video of the Christmas gift South Dakota Governor
Kristi Noam got from staffers…
…an actual flamethrower.
“Scoop: Gov. @KristiNoem now owns her own flamethrower, a Christmas gift from her staff,”
RealClearNews White House reporter Philip Melanchthon Wegmann posted to Twitter.
Scoop: Gov. @KristiNoem now owns her own flamethrower, a Christmas gift from her staff.
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) December 25, 2022
In the video Noam laughs as she shoots a rope of roaring liquid flame onto a pile of cardboard
boxes, creating a small bonfire.
“Perfect!,” she says, throwing an arm into the air in celebration.
“Two years ago, @KristiNoem fired off a flamethrower, joking is it ‘too late to add something to
my Christmas list? Her staff pulled together and bought her one this year,” Wegmann added.
Two years ago, @KristiNoem fired off a flamethrower, joking is it "too late to add something to my Christmas list?”
Her staff pulled together and bought her one this year.
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) December 25, 2022
While most reponses were supportive and even jealous of Noam’s new you, the warm-hearted
roast sent some liberals into a fiery rage.
“What American citizen needs a flamethrower? Not unless you are a firefighter creating a flame
break in a forest fire,” wailed @bkayetwit.
What American citizen needs a flamethrower? Not unless you are a firefighter creating a flame break in a forest fire
— Bill Kaye (@bkayetwit) December 26, 2022
“As long as no one is injured I hope she burns her house down with it,” whined @gordon0412.
As long as no one is injured I hope she burns her house down with it.
— BoulderCat (@gordon0412) December 26, 2022
“Let me know when she fires it up and points it at her own face, thanks.
Let me know when she fires it up and points it at her own face, thanks.
— ⛧ johnnybahia ⛧ (@johnnynobrasil) December 26, 2022
“Not too environmentally sound, doesn’t she recycle her cardboard boxes ? And she needed a
flamethrower to set the boxes on fire? These Republicans are all whack jobs,” sobbed
Not too environmentally sound, doesn’t she recycle her cardboard boxes ? And she needed a flamethrower to set the boxes on fire? These Republicans are all whack jobs.
— #StandWithUkraine (@mlg5420) December 26, 2022
“How classy. Does she have any idea how these were used in WWII,” cried @JanMitc69777699
“This is horrifying. What next, a tank? Grenade launcher? Tactical nuke?”
That’s not a bad idea.