$28 million dollar bill seems designed to give the appearance of doing something rather than accomplishing anything.

Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, introduced the supplemental appropriations bill that has been deemed the Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act.

Infant formula supplies have been dropping since January 2021, faced with supply chain issues that have stressed many other products around the globe.

The shortage was escalated in February when a manufacturing plant was shut down due to bacteria being discovered by FDA inspectors. Parent company Abbott issued a recall for products made in that plant.

While the driving factor is undoubtedly supply chain related, DeLauro’s bill focuses on funding the administrative affairs of the FDA.

The bill would primarily provide resources to “keep fraudulent formula products from making their way onto store shelves and help acquire better data on the formula marketplace,” according to CBS News.

DeLauro claims these steps would assure any new supplies of formula are “safe and secure” and help the FDA prevent future shortages.

Before the House bill was introduced, the FDA had already announced an agreement with Abbott that outlines steps necessary to reopen its shuttered facility. It also eased import rules for overseas manufacturers to secure new supplies for the US market.

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