On Wednesday morning, Donald Trump Jr.’s Twitter account set the internet ablaze with rumors. Amongst a flurry of deceptive tweets, the former president’s son announced the death of his father and hinted that he would would instead be running for president in 2024.

Other tweets  from Don Jr.’s hacked account included provocative statements concerning North Korea and misleading claims involving Jeffrey Epstein. Distasteful language directed at Joe Biden and a contentious defense of crypto personality Richard Heart also surfaced. A particularly concerning tweet threatened actions against the SEC.

Shortly after this post at 8:25 a.m., an unrelated tweet was shared by the former president on his platform of choice, Truth Social, thus debunking the misleading information as a hack.

Thankfully, the misleading tweets were promptly deleted by 9 a.m. Andrew Surabian, spokesperson for the former first son, confirmed the breach, stating the tweets were “obviously not true.”

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