The identity of the individual set to challenge Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has now been determined by Florida’s Democratic primary voters.

When given a choice between former Governor Charlie Crist and current Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, the voters chose Crist.

Dave Wasserman was the first to call the race on Twitter.

I’ve seen enough: Charlie Crist (D) defeats Nikki Fried (D) in the #FLGOV Dem primary and will face Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in the fall. — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) August 23, 2022

According to the Guardian:

“He’s the most arrogant governor I’ve ever seen in my life,” Crist said of DeSantis to the assembled teachers who nodded in agreement. “It is shocking, it really is. Enough is enough.”

Now a political centrist and one of the first in Congress to endorse Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy in 2020, he finds himself increasingly taken aback at the state of his former party.

No Democratic presidential candidate has won Florida since 2012, leading many observers to argue the state is losing its purple status – a term that signifies a swing state, one that can move from Republican to Democrat, and vice versa.

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