A Pennsylvania court has struck down a law requiring Philadelphia residents to report to authorities when firearms are lost or stolen.

Background: In 2009, Philadelphia announced a gun control ordinance that would require firearm owners to report when weapons were lost or stolen.

Context: The city of Philadelphia has been experiencing a dramatic spike in gun violence as the rest of the country is also dealing with a rise in crime.

What Happened: On Monday, a three-judge panel reversed a lower court order and placed a permanent injunction on the city’s 2009 ordinance.

What the Court Said: While overturning the ordinance Judge Leadbetter noted concern over the recent uptick in gun violence.

Judges referenced a 1996 state Supreme Court decision that said assault weapons restrictions in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia were not allowed due to the Uniform Firearms Act placing authority to regulate guns on the state Legislature. (per The Washington Examiner)

What the Mayor Says: Mayor Jim Kenney expressed disappointment in the ruling.

“Mayor Kenney completely agrees with the sentiment raised by Judge Leadbetter in her concurrence, where she notes that the gun violence experienced in the city of Philadelphia justifies stronger gun safety laws than may be necessary statewide and that we should not deny basic safety to our residents when they desperately need it,” said Kevin Lessard, a spokesman for the mayor.

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