A district court blocked two Biden administration mandates that would force religious institutions to perform procedures that violate their religious beliefs.

Siding with an appeal brought by the Christian Employers Alliance, District Judge Daniel M. Traynor wrote, “No government agency ought to be in the business of evaluating the sincerity of another’s religious beliefs.”

The issue at hand is a guidance issued by the Department of Health and Human Services interpreting a section of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

The mandate would “force both nonprofit and for-profit religious employers and healthcare providers to pay for and perform surgeries, procedures, counseling and treatments that seek to alter a patient’s biological sex, even if such actions violate the employers’ or providers’ convictions,” according to Fox News.

In his ruling, Judge Traynor noted, “HHS Guidance encourages a parent to file a complaint if a medical provider refuses to gender transition their child, of any age, including an infant.”

“The thought that a newborn child could be surgically altered to change gender is the result of the Biden HHS Notification and HHS Guidance that brands a medical professional’s refusal to do so as discrimination.”

“Beyond the religious implications, the Biden HHS Notification and resulting HHS Guidance frustrate the proper care of gender dysphoria, where even among adults who experience the condition, a diagnosis occurs following the considered involvement of medical professionals.”

HHS has not issued a comment on the ruling at this time.

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