During the Summit of the Americas, which is being boycotted by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President Joe Biden will sign a declaration meant to address immigration.

According to The Hill, senior administration officials said the so-called Los Angeles Declaration on Migration “is an unprecedented and ambitious step by the United States and regional partners to work together to address the migration crisis in a comprehensive manner.”

An official also said the White House is confident Mexico would sign onto the declaration despite its president boycotting the summit due to the White House’s refusal to invite leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua, and representatives from the Maduro government in Venezuela.

“We believe in every way that they are fully committed to it,” the official said.

Biden will reportedly present an economic agenda at the summit in his speech on Wednesday, which is closely tied to the declaration, which is part of the Biden administration’s efforts to “promote an equitable recovery” in the post-pandemic world.

According to The Hill, the economic agenda will focus on five areas:

…including reinvigorating regional economic institutions and mobilizing investments, updating the social contract between governments and people, creating a resilient supply chain, a focus on decarbonization, biodiversity, and clean energy jobs, and creating sustainable and inclusive trade.

Biden will also reportedly announce over $300 million in financial assistance for the region to address food insecurity.

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