A shouting match broke out during a Friday Fox News segment after attorney Leo Terrell ripped a Democratic strategist over refusing to explain Vice President Kamala Harris’ changing policy positions.

Harris, who secured enough delegates for the nomination during a virtual roll call Friday, has seemingly backed away from policy positions she initially espoused during her 2020 presidential campaign on illegal immigration, health care and gun control. Terrell pressed Democratic strategist Antjuan Seawright to explain Harris’ policy changes during the appearance on “The Story,”  saying he had video proof Harris held the “radical extremist” positions.

“Kamala Harris got zero votes. She was selected or appointed by the Hollywood elite, George Clooney, she got no votes. But he’s talking about policy,” Terrell said. “Okay, I’ve got some receipts and some video. What’s Kamala Harris’ position on illegal immigration? She wanted to decriminalize it. She believes in defunding the police. Why doesn’t she talk about her policies? She’s against private health insurance. She wants to take our guns.

During the 2020 campaign, Harris supported a mandatory buyback of so-called “assault weapons,” backed a prohibition on hydraulic fracturingbans on private health insurance and also said that the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be considered. Spokespeople for the Harris campaign have claimed that the vice president is no longer campaigning on those policies, according to The New York Times.

“Now, I have not heard a peep from you or from Kamala Harris about those items,” Terrell continued. “Let’s bring her on to this program, let Trace ask her about her policies. If you have not seen her policies, I got videotape. She will not talk to her policies because she is the most radical extremist socialist candidate ever and you know that.”


Seawright tried to evade Terrell’s point by claiming that the civil rights attorney was yelling and screaming.

“You are not going to answer the question,” Terrell fired back, prompting a shouting match as Seawright claimed Harris would have signed a border bill negotiated by Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona that many Republicans opposed for not having enough enforcement provisions.

The Senate failed to invoke cloture on the legislation by a vote of 50-49 on Feb. 7.

“Donald Trump and the Republicans killed the legislation,” Seaworth claimed.

“We’re not getting very far here, we’re not getting very far,” Gallagher said. “Leo makes a fair point saying the bottom line here on the border is, she was put in charge of the border and did nothing.”

Gallagher then fact-checked Terrell and Seawright about the border, noting that the executive order Joe Biden signed June 4 slowed down the flow of illegal immigration, but also pointing out that the bipartisan bill that was defeated in February would have allowed three million illegal immigrants into the U.S.

Featured Image Credit: The White House
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