President Joe Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump among Hispanic voters for a potential 2024 rematch after winning the demographic over 2-to-1 last cycle, according to a Monday poll.

Trump led Biden by 5 points among the crucial voting bloc Democrats typically secure by large margins, a USA Today/Suffolk University survey found. In 2020, Biden won 65% of the Hispanic voter, while only 32% backed Trump, according to Edison Research’s exit polling.

Support for the president among black voters, a demographic Biden won 87% to 12% last cycle, has also declined, according to the poll. Only 63% said they’d vote for Biden compared to 12% who said the same for Trump.

Additionally, 20% of Hispanic and black voters, as well as 21% of youth voters, chose a different candidate other than the two likely party nominees, according to the poll.

“Although Trump hasn’t grown support among Black voters, he has closed the deficit because third-party voters come off of Biden’s support among Blacks,” David Paleologos, director of Suffolk University’s Political Research Center, told USA Today. “A young voter or a person of color voting ‘third party’ is a vote away from President Biden, and a vote away from President Biden is a vote for Donald Trump.”

The poll found Trump leading Biden by 4 points among voters aged under 35. In 2020, Biden won 18-to-29-year-olds by 24 points and led among those aged 30-to-44 by 6 points.

The poll comes after several other recent surveys have found Biden losing support among several key Democratic voting blocs.

Trump led Biden 39% to 37% among the overall electorate, the poll found, with 17% choosing a generic third-party candidate for president. The former president’s lead grew to 3 points when seven candidates were listed by name, with independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receiving 10% support.

The RealClearPolitics average for a 2024 general election between Trump and Biden, based on polls conducted between Dec. 4 and Dec. 29, indicates the former president is leading by 2.4 points. Trump is also leading Biden in crucial battleground states like GeorgiaMichiganPennsylvaniaArizona and Nevada.

The USA Today/Suffolk University poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters nationwide between Dec. 26 and Dec. 29 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1%.

Neither Biden nor Trump’s campaigns immediately responded to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

Mary Lou Masterson January 2, 2024

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