On Wednesday morning, Donald Trump Jr.’s Twitter account set the internet ablaze with rumors. Amongst a flurry of deceptive tweets, the former president’s son announced the death of his father and hinted that he would would instead be running for president in 2024.
HACKED: It appears the X account belonging to @DonaldJTrumpJr has been hacked. One tweet announced the death of @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/mZ68kV9fan
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 20, 2023
Other tweets from Don Jr.’s hacked account included provocative statements concerning North Korea and misleading claims involving Jeffrey Epstein. Distasteful language directed at Joe Biden and a contentious defense of crypto personality Richard Heart also surfaced. A particularly concerning tweet threatened actions against the SEC.
Shortly after this post at 8:25 a.m., an unrelated tweet was shared by the former president on his platform of choice, Truth Social, thus debunking the misleading information as a hack.
Thankfully, the misleading tweets were promptly deleted by 9 a.m. Andrew Surabian, spokesperson for the former first son, confirmed the breach, stating the tweets were “obviously not true.”