On Tuesday, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson posted a promotional video on his Twitter, teasing an upcoming interview with a man named Larry Sinclair. In the clip, Sinclair alleges that in 1999, he and former President Obama purchased and used cocaine, and then engaged in a sexual encounter. Sinclair first made these claims public during the 2008 election cycle but it was not picked up by the media because they deemed it to not be credible. The interview will air Wednesday at 6 pm EST. See Carlson’s teaser video below:


To date, Sinclair has not provided any concrete evidence to back his accusations. In the mentioned teaser, Sinclair purports that he provided Obama with $250 to buy cocaine, which they both subsequently consumed. The host, Carlson, portrayed Sinclair’s allegations as credible, suggesting that it provides information about Obama’s involvement in drug use and homosexual relations.

It’s worth noting that Sinclair’s past is checkered with various criminal convictions, including forgery, fraud, and larceny, leading to prison sentences in multiple states. In 2008, media outlet Politico covered Sinclair’s claims and highlighted that mainstream media had largely sidestepped the story due to Sinclair’s inability to corroborate his allegations.

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